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PED 3119 Synthesis

PED 3119 Synthesis Reflection

Write a synthesis reflection on tech integration inspired by (a) the course, (b) your alternative practicum, (c) the professional learning sessions you attended.

Throughout PED 3119 I feel that technology was integrated into almost every aspect of the course. It was evident from the beginning that the course would be utilizing the different applications and websites that can be utilized for technological purposes. For example, all of our correspondence was done using Google applications such as Google Classroom or Google Documents. I feel that this was a great way for us as future teachers to see first hand the benefits of using technology in the classroom. I found it very easy to navigate and understand what was expected from us as students. This was the only course where the syllabus was entirely online with external links, which made it extremely easy, and convenient to follow along with every lecture. I also genuinely enjoyed the required readings and course “text book”. The handbook purchased for the course allowed me to broaden my knowledge of the possibility to use technology in the classroom. I was even able to share it with my previous associate professor so that we could try out some of the apps in the classroom with the students.

In terms of my alternative placement I was able to work with the M.F.McHugh Education Centre in a variety of locations such as CHEO, Back on Track, STEPS to Success, Youville and Dave Smith Treatment Centre. Since a lot of the work is one on one with students who are corresponding with their home schools I saw a large amount of technology integration. Each student was utilizing the lap tops or iPads provided by the school. As well the school was very focused on project based learning, which required the use of technology for research and documenting progress. Students who were in treatment also used a variety of apps to help strengthen their learning. Since the school is so spread out amongst the various locations in order for teachers to stay in contact they are encouraged to use Twitter and the school blog. This was other students, parents/guardians and teachers can see what they are working on with their students. They actually have a variety of hashtags that they are encouraged to use, for example: #thisishowwesel #McHughMathMoments #voicesofmchugh. It is a fantastic way to share and gain ideas of how other teachers are running activities.

I was only able to attend one of the workshops at the conference this past week therefore I will complete the following:

You can post your mindmap, and two answers to the proposed interview questions (from this slide deck) on your blog instead.

This was the mindmap that we created regarding numeracy skills, two fellow classmates and I worked together to brainstorm that various aspects of numeracy and how students can acquire these skills using various technologies such as apps or websites:

As a professional, how do you use and model appropriate use of social media sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram?

Since becoming a teacher candidate I have taken full advantage modeling a positive and responsible use of social media. I use Twitter primarily to connect with other educations and learn from the lessons and activities that they are doing with their class. I am able to share pictures and information from my own teaching experiences with those who follow me. It is a great way to stay in touch with other teachers and parents who can gain valuable insight to what I am doing in the classroom. I am able to use Instagram to share pictures of specific lesson activities or interactions that I am having in the education community. For example when I was completing my practicum with M.F. McHugh Education Centre I was able to speak to the educators and students to take pictures of the work we were completing together. This is a great way for other colleagues and students to see an alternative classroom and the fantastic work that was happening.

How do you use diverse technologies to assess student learning?

I think that using technology to document and assess student learning is a vital part of the modern day classroom. Primarily for formative assessment, or assessment as learning, technology can be utilized to provide instant feedback to students. This can be done by recording student answers or by playing games such as Kahoot! Having these student response systems can help to quickly gather information and check in with student learning to ensure that each student is on the same page. I personally have used technology to help assess student learning by creating a rubric for student performance but instead of having them write their responses they were able to use the classroom iPad to video record their answers. This allowed them to explain their thinking, then I was able to assess their learning by returning to the recording and listening to their responses.

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