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Hopewell Avenue PS Placement

Genius Hour

• During my time at Hopewell Avenue I was able to become part of a Professional Learning Network 


• Helped to start this initiative within my own classroom and support other classrooms throughout the school


•Students created an inquiry based project on a topic of their own interest


• Students were given two hours each week to work on their project


•Unevaluated, self assessment at the end, journal throughout


•Ministry supported initiative


•Able to attend OCDSB Conference for innovators


•Featured in Peter Gamwell video for his book/website


• Started the initiative to run a knitting group in the class 


• Lead the group through knitting activities using different stitches 


• Knitting helped to foster a growth mindest 


• Activities promoted mindfulness 


• Students tried a new activity helping them to keep an open mind and become flexible learners


Math Tasks

• Led a variety of 3 Act Math tasks in the Gr. 5/6 and 4 classroom (ex. Dandies Candies:


•  Used Vertical Non Permanent Surfaces to help with group collaboration between students 


• Led a different morning math activity every day to start the class:


Monday: Visual Pattern (


Tuesday: Estimation 180 (


Wednesday: Which One Doesn’t Belong (


Thursday: Problem of the Week (


Friday: Number Talk (

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