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Ed Innovation 2016

Last year I was fortunate enough to attend Edcamp Ottawa. Edcamp is a participant driven professional learning opportunity for educators to organically learn from one another! At the conference we talked about the following topics:


●      Popsicle sticks for students to ask questions, when you run out of sticks can't ask anymore questions

●      Use best judgement

●      Procedure and routines

●      Other students can learn how students with exceptionalities

●      Gift students: keeping them constantly challenged

●      Autism spectrum disorders: a resource pack for school staff

●      Give a lot of heads up before transitioning

●      Write things down with students with autism, becomes less confrontational

●      Gifted: level a,b,c give students the options to choose more different ones

●      Offer students choice

●      Students will go to the bar that we raise for them

●      Tired curriculum, “math menu”

●      Give a 3 by 3 block then they have to have it like tic tac toe

●      One on one time with the student to practice reading


Number talks:

●      Name strategies

●      Make anchor charts

●      “5 practices”

●      Allowed to revise thinking based on new information

●      “intentional talk”

●      Mr Orr algebra talks

●      Fawn Nguyen

●      Kathy hempries

●      Number streams

●      Mental math strategies, close far in between

●      Routine bank

●      Using student evidence to build future number talks



Assessment/ Design Theory:

●      Give student their most recent achievements

●      Evernote

●      Be in the moment, make note after

●      Reordering what you're saying

●      Eportfolio

●      Sesame h q (like a Facebook page of their work)

●      Explain everything

●      Create a portfolio with their work and create guiding questions

●      Have the students present this to their parents with the teachers there to facilitate

●      Three ring

●      Assessment for as

●      Assessment as: reflection, student driven

●      Assessment for: diagnostic

●      Google rewrite


Class room management Rob Plemin:



Explain everything



Tween Tribute

Free rice



Apps to Try Out:

Ozobots: draw lines with markers, robots know where to go

-       Robots coding

-       Learn how to code

-       Create your own video game

-       Looks like a mind map

-       Residential schools, options that could happen

It was a great learning experience, check out the site to find an Edcamp near you!


Miss Walter

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