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PED 3119 Blog #5

How I will work to close the digital divides in my teaching practice?

Today’s classrooms have a uniquely diverse set of students in attendance. Therefore, as a future educator it is important to take into consideration the students various backgrounds. Unfortunately this means that not all students will have access to technology, ranging anywhere from devices to Internet access. Thus creating the digital divide that can currently be seen in the classroom, where some students have full access while others have never been exposed to technology. I think that it is important for teachers to take into consideration the opportunities that may or may not be present outside of the classroom.

To work towards closing the gap in my own classroom I will be mindful to start the year by surveying students in a private manner to determine those that do not have access to Internet or technology at home and use those results to plan any work sent home accordingly (ex. if students do not have access to internet at home I would not assign any supplementary work that requires internet). From there I would take inventory of the technology access at the school to try and support their learning. To support those students with limited access I would look into starting a tech club that held meetings either before or after school to allow students access to the internet. If the access at the school were limited I would try to look into community resources or non profit organizations that work with telecommunication providers to enhance technology in the classroom and make internet connectivity more affordable.

(Check out for more awesome infographics related to tech in the classroom!)

I want to learn how to create an inclusive classroom knowing the data behind the factors that affect difference in access to the Internet (ex. physical location, language barriers etc.). I want to teach students to be digital citizens and the specific skills needed to use technology. I will inform parents about low cost access to internet (ex. public libraries with wifi) to help enhance tech integration at home. As well, I will teach students to use any technology that they do have so that they can take full advantage of the tools available to them.

For more information on factors affecting students access to technology in Canada look at the following paper:

I want to teach students skills related to use, writing, creation and participation. By teaching students the necessary Web Literacy Skills, I hope to prepare them for future jobs that will inevitably involve technology. By teaching students how to problem solve, communicate, create and collaborate online they will be able to take those skills out into the world, regardless if they are practicing them at home. These are necessary skills in the 21st century that will be important for students to learn. I plan to do this by creating an equal playing field for all students and allowing equal access in the classroom in a positive manner.

Here are some useful resources to read more about he digital divide in the classroom:


Hargittai, E., & Hsieh, Y. P. (2013). Digital inequality. In W. H. Dutton (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of Internet studies (pp. 129–150). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

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