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St. Gemma Placement 

Dance Club

• Created a dance club at St. Gemma Catholic School


• Met every Wednesday at lunch to practice 


• Each week a different junior group learned a part of a dance


• Filmed the video throughout the school then edited the parts together 


•Showed the video at a Sent To Be the Good News assembly 


Restorative Circles

• Community building activity with students 


• Reviewed circle rules before beginning 


• Led discussion with students, beginning with simple questions and moving to more complicated matters 


• Students created stick collaboratively


• Each student picked an item to put onto the stick


STEM Activities

• Grade 3 Science and Technology


• Forces Causing Movement Unit


• Students were tasked with creating a moving toy using a variety of materials provided


• Created a brainstorm of what they wanted their toy to look like


• Work to construct a moving toy using a specific force


• Once toy was created students were video tapped explaining how they created it, this video was used as assessment 

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