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PED 3119 Blog Post #2

Topic: My three big ideas for social media that supports learning.

While there can be some risks when using technology in the classroom there are also quite a few benefits. The world of technology is changing to include many social media platforms that were not created specifically for educational purposes. As Greenhow and Gleason (2012) suggest these social media sites, such as Twitter, are thought to be new literacies in the classroom. I think that when handled properly they can be integrated to support the curriculum and encourage students to use social media in a responsible manner.

My first big idea is that social media helps to provide a professional learning network for educators to connect and grow. This helps to foster new pedagogy and ideologies that might not have otherwise known about. This type of support system allows teachers to learn from one another and builds a sense of community, which ultimately demonstrates how to be a positive digital citizen. Speaking from personal experience even as a teacher candidate I have been able to connect and interact with educators on Twitter and through their personal blogs/websites. This has allowed me to connect with teachers around the world and introduce myself to educators here in Ottawa. I have been able to find new resources that helped me succeed in my practicum placements. I believe that growing your personal learning network is extremely vital for learning in this profession.

My second big idea is, as mentioned before, that many social media platforms are now being thought about in a different way. Social media sites such as Youtube, Facebook, twitter and Instagram were not created to be used in a classroom. Now educators have taken these sites and shown how to effectively use them to promote learning in the classroom. For example, students are able to display their thinking through a Youtube video that they can share with the class, a blog post on a website or Facebook for group projects. This helps to cater to students’ individual learning styles while also giving them a chance to actively use social media. Changing the objective for these social media has great affects on student productivity and helps to show students that social media has a place in the classroom.

My last big idea regarding social media is that students understand how to properly use and interact with others online in a safe and positive manner. Students are no longer just passive social media users, but rather they are able to connect with others and share their work on a larger platform. When teachers are able to effectively show students how to use social media it can help with the prevention of cyber bullying. If students are able to comprehend from a young age to affects and dangers of cyber bullying they might feel more inclined to use social media in a positive manner. If teachers are able to integrate social media into their teaching practices, they will have a positive affect on their students’ future interactions.

Overall I truly do believe that social media has a place in the classroom, it is important for the teacher to figure out when and what that means to their specific group of students. I am looking forward to take this learning and bring it into my own classroom one day. I am excited to help create digital citizens and to continue to learn about the wonders of social media!

At the University of Ottawa we had a chance as a class to collaboratively create a document that provides guidance on social media in the classroom. Take a look to find more resources and how to use them!

Check it out for more great resources!


Greenhow, C., & Gleason, B. (2012). Twitteracy : Tweeting as a New Literacy Practice. The Educational Forum, 76, 464–478.

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