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PED 3102 Blog Post #1

Teaching for Diversity in Canadian Schools
Egbo, B (2009)

Chapter one explains issues surrounding race, gender, language, biological/cultural influences and how they are portrayed and treated in the classroom. It examines the effect that cultural differences and diversity can have on a student’s academic success and whether teachers play a role in creating or reducing cultural biases. This chapter provides theoretical views of diversity in students and how schools can tend to be an agent of socialization. The author explains how it can be difficult to come from a diverse culture and ultimately how it shapes a student’s perception of the world. Many key concepts are identified, such as stereotyping, prejudice, hegemony, xenophobia and the idea of teachers having a hidden curriculum.


Thankfully I have not had many negative experiences when dealing with culturally diverse populations in the classroom. The chapter suggests that Canadian’s claim to be “colour”-blind to those from other cultures but I know that this is not always the case, especially when it comes to the school system. I feel that there are some teachers who do have a hidden curriculum and I believe that this holds back diverse students from reaching their full potential. Teachers should embrace their student’s cultural backgrounds and find a way to make students feel welcomed and safe everyday. I firmly believe that cultural diversity is not something that should create conflict rather teachers should find a way to create social justice and embrace diversity.

What examples of cultural diversity have you witnessed in your CSL placement classroom?

Do you believe that factors such as racism, sexism and homophobia have an effect on student’s academic performance?

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